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EU Chemicals Regulation: a range of duties shared by manufacturers, importers and dealers

Most products contain some kind of chemicals. In plastics, leather goods, clothes or electrical equipment

Christmas, a time for giving – and for new electronic gadgets?

people and an environmental pollutant, e-waste also contains vast quantities of raw materials that could be

A modern circular economy reveals potential for climate policy

’s Mobile Counting Centre for non-refillable containers avoids every year, an area of forest the size

Plastics Recycling Awards Europe 2018 / Interseroh Among Finalists in Two Categories / Award Ceremony on 25 April 2018

category, Interseroh convinced the panel with containers for the reusable shipping system “memo Box” of

Life-cycle calculation of packaging: Interseroh and Sphera develop GaBi Packaging CalculatoR+

which maps out the life-cycle of packaging and contains a considerable amount of environmental data on

Interzero acquires BRAMIN and expands portfolio

of origin, eliminating the need to use waste containers and shortening roundtrips. Another benefit is

Proven for the first time: Reconditioning of laptops etc. protects the climate and saves valuable resources

the recycling of the valuable materials that it contains”. The service offered by Interseroh is aimed at

SIMPLi RETURN: Vollmann and Jüsten appointed Managing Directors

guaranteed. To ensure safe transport, special containers will be made available and the packaging of batteries

New study: recycling secures raw materials for a climate-neutral Europe

should be designed and managed to ensure that they contain recycled raw materials right from the start – which

Pioneering the way to a world without waste: Interzero among final contestants for the German Sustainability Award

projects include the ‘EINFACH MEHRWEG’ reusable container system for food and beverages organised with Sykell



The online magazine on recycling and the circular economy